We started our web hosting business in 2012 to assist website designers with high speed hosting. Manytimes the designers’ clients would try to host their account with some well known brands that seemed to spend most of its profits on slick advertising rather that offering high speed hosting.
Valor Hosting as our business is called continues but we have decided to create a new specialized high speed hosting service for WordPress and Joomla. And hence wpHost2go.com has been born.
Stephen Hare/ wpHost2go.com - Valor Hosting
Valor Hosting is based in the United Kingdom, and we have servers in the UK, USA, Germany and Lithuania.
Our primary language is English but we are also able to give support by ticket in Italian and Spanish.
Support/ wpHost2go.com - Valor Hosting
We are a young business that is always interested in progressing further. However, we like to make sure that we have perfected what we currently offer before taking on other tasks.
Oh! And we like to do everything with a smile, in the knowledge that we are helping people achieve their own goals in life.